Friday, June 7, 2013

LoL Giveaway Winner!

And so, the winner of the League of Legends Champion/Skin giveaway is.......

NO ONE!! (yet)

Why's this? People posted, commented and shared the post I asked them to... well no one has come forward with a Summoner Name AND added me so I can't transfer the prize! ACK! So basically it's first come first serve. 

Add VasCorpPor and post your Summoner Name and which Skin or Champ tickles your fancy and I'll have a feather for it.


  1. Summoner name: bryanjnleong
    Champion (owned) skin that tickles mon fancy: TPA Ezreal.
    VasCorpPor...has been added for quite a while now : )

  2. YOU! Yes you have been =) And it appears I can't gift any of the TPA skins for some reason... They don't show up as an option.

  3. Since that's out of the equation, what skin would you like instead?

    1. I suppose if I had to pick one, Arclight Varus would be nice, since it'd complement our duo bot combination :)
