Friday, June 7, 2013

Gaming - A Sort of Self Retrospect

I look at the Urban Dictionary definitions of hardcore and casual gamers and can't feel more out of place. They both end up on such extremes that I'm not sure where I fall into. 

Years ago, when I was not a father and single, I probably fell into the hardcore gamer category because of the amount of time and research I put into playing games. I would aim to demolish the high score, I would learn the special moves and combos and yes... I even called the 1-900 number for GamePro and Nintendo Power when they existed. Really funny side story on that but that's for another post... *chuckles to himself* Yes, I was that kid in the arcade that would destroy players as they lined their quarters on the machine, waiting for their turn.

Nowadays we have the internet and its wealth of (FREE) information and distractions. 
Even my 8 year old son knows how to go to use Google to find a tutorial for a game he's stuck on. My old self would say that's totally ok but now as an 'experienced' gamer, I feel that it's just cheating you out fun for the game. Although, there are those times when you REALLY need to check how to pass some level or else someone is going to end up on tomorrow's news...

I find most of my gaming now is late night when the family is asleep and its nice and quiet. I've got plenty to do throughout the day and this is the perfect time to unwind. I don't play violent/graphic games when the kids are awake mainly because they don't need to see me performing chain takedowns in Far Cry 3 or killing cops in GTA. I'm aware some parents could care less, but I'm not one of them.

So what can I play while they're awake? Minecraft comes to mind but PvP must be turned off or my son will get NOTHING done as he attempts to kill me over and over. Almost anything on the Wii though I loath Rock Band style games. 

When all else fails, the smart phone is the go to... the bathroom, on the go, out and about, or even on the couch. Those 'simple' games have a way of keeping you coming back for more but lack the depth of the games I must play in Ninja Mode.

Who else remembers gaming before the internet? And if there are any parents out there, how do you get your game on with and without the kids?

1 comment:

  1. If I were around prior to the advent of the internet-gaming, I'd be cranking through RPGs like there's no tomorrow. FFVII and FFVIII would've made up a crapton of my gaming time :)
