Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Upcoming Games

We all want and need to occupy our time somehow. With so many great games coming soon, it's going to be a mission to play them all and still have time to partake in the real world. Oooo, the real world (and not the MTV version!).

Lord British's Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues... I haven't been this excited for a game in quite a while. So much so, it was actually the first product I've actually gone to KickStarter and backed. It's being created by a team of brilliant minds including Lord British himself, Richard Garriott, so it's quite obvious why I'm ecstatic and involved in the creation of it.

This is an interesting opportunity to be part of the creation of something new and great. I don't want to go into a whole rant about it now, but Single Player adventures abound plus Multiplayer as we all know a typical MMO to be but presented in a new way. Think of all those old school RPGs injected with some Multiplayer mayhem, PvP included (consensual meaning you KNOW you're going to put yourself into a PvP situation and are prepared to face the consequences and rewards) along with player created content... oh the merriment we shall have!

MOBAs have become popular recently thanks to League of Legends and DotA and now EA has given some funds to Waystone Games to further evolve the genre. OH NO! EA!! Yea.. get over it. DawnGate looks to be adding RTS elements into the current MOBA style along with heavy story elements. One really intriguing feature is the Shapers themselves saying things when using items, killing enemies or reacting to an event. The possibilities...!!

This one came into my radar a while ago but is now getting closer to beta and something I wouldn't mind getting my space and Wild West fix from. Homes floating in the sky seems like such a brilliant idea, I'm just going to have to check out WildStar.

So these are some games that I'm looking forward to. I am interested to know if I'm missing some, be them on a computer or a console. GTA V comes to mind! I must make a post somewhere about how much I am looking forward to wrecking havoc in the West Side (which is the best side)!!!

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