Wednesday, May 29, 2013

RP for a share or comment?

Why not share or comment on this post and I will randomly select someone and unlock their choice of champion or skin for #LeagueOfLegends?

Offer ends this Friday, May 31st at Midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). Oh ... I am known as
VasCorpPor on the NA server. Add me there for a chance to win!!

What is it that you want btw? Post it as well just for reference ;)


  1. Ohhh, this does sound fun! Then I am leaving a comment right here and right now. :-) Hello!

    (Twitter: @MarcianTobay)

  2. Which champ or skin are you interested in?

    I forgot to add that into the post =P but *edited.

  3. I've always wanted vayne; But as for skins you cant go wrong with pulsefire! haha but i would be happy with emumu xD ill add you hopefully we can play sometime!

  4. Can't go wrong with Astronaut Teemo!

  5. Aether Wing Kayle is super spiffy. I would want that skin if I were to get a free one.

  6. Obviously I can't give away special skins. Only stuff that's currently available in the store.

  7. Would like commando Garen skin :P it's a cheap one too!

    1. What is your summoner name? Add me when you can VasCorpPor

  8. Thanks for sharing and commenting. I thought I had asked it but could you please put your summoner name and add me (VasCorpPor). I'll post up probably tomorrow who won what. =)

    Good luck!
